Wednesday, April 9, 2014

EC Remote Controlled Roach

Woah, creepy huh? A roach is being controlled by someone other than itself. I assume the device on its back is some sort of a way to tap into its central nervous system. Then there is probably an external remote being used to send nerve impulses to cause different reactions. But what if this were to be created to work on humans? Well here is where we run into an ethical wall. As stated in article's, 1, 3, 4 ,5, and 6, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, humans are free to their own will and certain attributes that could result from this device are also prohibited such as slavery, and torture.  I do not believe humans should be able to control your movements and thoughts. That is too controlling. If you have ever read the book 1984 by George Orwell (<<<warning spoiler alert) you might have a good idea about what could happen to society if this technology were implemented in the daily lives of humanity.  The technology is on its way to being able to control more complex nervous systems however this technology should never be used on another human because it defies their inalienable rights. What do you think?

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