Sunday, March 30, 2014

Weekly Three Questions

What tasks have you completed recently?

I successfully completed the task of procrastinating every single day of spring break except today. That is why I am doing these questions on Sunday night instead of Friday night. Woops. I didn't really do anything special this spring break. I got a haircut (finally).

What have you learned recently?

Sleep=better life in general. I learned that sleep is a wonderful thing and that I am going to miss it so much when school starts. Other than that I haven't gained any new knowledge.  I played tennis with my grandfather. He used to play tennis in college and got scholarships and stuff so he is pretty good. He helped me with my serve and returns and other stuff.

What do you plan on doing next?

Well I am going to go to school tomorrow unless I get the "stomach flu" and I stay home. Just kidding, I would miss too much. I plan on doing well on the muscular test (I probably won't but you know what they say: Shoot for the stars!). Jazz fest is sometime this week so that should be cool. Um so yeah.

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