Saturday, March 1, 2014

Weekly Three Questions

What tasks have you completed recently?

First off sorry for doing this on Saturday. I spent last night practicing for Solo and Ensemble today. Anywho, I just got done with Solo and Ensemble like 10 mins ago. I played a solo and I played in a brass choir piece. I ended up getting a 2+ on my solo. I'm not particularly happy about that my goal was a one. But oh well, I'll live (maybe). We got a 1 on our brass choir which is the best score you can get (besides a 1+ (duh)).  Another task I recently have completed was failing a math test. I missed like 4 days of school and we had an exam over chapter 5 in algebra 2 and i'm 90% sure i got a C or lower. Heck, i don't even know what percent sure i am. I cant solve a polynomial, what makes me think I can pull a probability out of my head. Jeez.

What have you learned recently?

Well i learned i should stop missing school. (even though i have no control over the fact that i do but still...) and i also learned some new rhythms in band while practicing my solo this week. I also played the Whack-a-Bone Arcade and it actually helped me memorize the bones and their locations in the body. I also learned that neck ties can choke you. (not a long story but i'll tell you if you remind me to)

What do you plan on doing next?

Well today since I'm done with Solo and Ensemble i'm using the rest of the day to play catch up on all of my classes. Then at 6 i will be going to the basketball game to play in pep band for the 2nd half of the boys game and all of the girls game. That should be fun. I still need to get my racket re-strung. (thats like the 5th time i've said this on here). But maybe i'll just go play tennis tomorrow and practice for band. Tomorrow is the first break from anything im getting for like 2 weeks and i am going to enjoy every minute of it....... Studying for the skeletal system test -_- *sigh* oh well.

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