Friday, March 14, 2014

Weekly Three Questions

What tasks have you completed recently?

Well, lets see.... I ate some pie today. (today is in fact pi day. 3/14... 3.14 get it haha).  I cleaned my room. That was definitely fun.  Oh freshmen class planned out this cool movie night fundraiser that we plan to do in April. I've actually been keeping up with all of the work in Anatomy I am pacing myself a lot better than the last two systems.

What have you learned recently?

Not a gosh darned thing. Just kidding, I go to school.... like everyday. In English, I learned some vocabulary.  That class is so easy. (don't tell Mr. Hoogenboom though I don't need anymore work than I already have) In Algebra 2 we reviewed alllllllllllll weeeeeeeekkk for the NM SBA which I don't have to take but its good practice, I guess. For some reason in tennis, I just seem to have gotten better this week.  My serves and returns are better so are my volleys and I've been doing better in the game Butts. I know what your thinking, "Whats Butts?" you ask? Well, glad you asked, its an awful tennis game where you have to lightly hit the tennis ball in a certain area and if you miss you get strikes. 3 strikes and your out and you have to go to the service line and get into a position where your butt is facing everyone (your like lying down almost in a fetal like position but your face is towards the ground) and they are on the opposite side of the net and they get to serve as hard as they want at your butt. Its fun  when you are serving... but when you aren't it sucks, so bad.  Oh and if you are serving and you end up hitting the person with the ball you get to serve again. It can go on forever. Wow I strayed off topic there.... Oops.

What do you plan on doing next?

Well since the girls basketball team is in the state championship tomorrow I am leaving with pep band to go play and support the team. So I'll be in Abq for the majority of the day. I still haven't gotten my racket re strung. I'm going to take my muscle coloring plates on the bus so I can hopefully finish them. But my interest level drops so much when I could be doing other things so I'll probably end up not doing them Saturday and just doing them Sunday afternoon instead. Or I could play tennis on Sunday and do coloring plates during testing week since I have no morning classes next week.  Or my dog could eat the coloring plates. The possibilities are endless. Tune in next week for a critical update on the show "What did Jacob ever do with his coloring plates?" this is Bob Barker signing off, see you next week!

1 comment:

  1. hey I love pi day only because I have this uncanny love for the stuff. But hey this weekend you should peer review my glogs (1 & 2) I can also peer review yours. Tell me if you can.
