Friday, February 14, 2014

Three Weekly Questions

What tasks have you completed recently?

Well, that raffle didn't do so hot this week. We made like 30 bucks. I actually just got back home from a tennis tournament in El Paso. Didn't do as well as I wanted to, BUT the tennis tournament continues tomorrow so I have two more matches to play. Hopefully I'll do better. Oh! Also on Monday, I made a little speech to the 8th graders on 8th grade open house night about how Mayfield is awesome and why wouldn't you want to be a Trojan and such.  Some people found it quite amusing.  I got my solo for solo and Ensemble. So I'll be working on that piece of music for the next two weeks. Then in Symphony I got on the first "Tromba" part. Apparently "tromba" is the old word for trumpet. I think its Italian or something. I don't know, I only speak English jeesh. It has lots of fun solo's though.

What have you learned recently?

Well. I think this week has been blahhadfhasldkjfadfzzahsf. You know what I mean right? Like I learned stuff but I don't remember most of it. Well I can't say that, it's just the stuff this week isn't as significant as other weeks. Maybe..... I think I learned how to solve polynomial equations in Algebra 2. Woops. I forgot I had math homework. I should probably try not to forget that. Uhhh, other than that it's just the integumentary system that I took notes on and stuff. In English we learned some new vocabulary and got some homework.  So yeah.

What are you planning on doing next?

Well I plan to do better in the tennis tournament tomorrow than I did today. I also plan to get my racket re-strung this weekend. Um we plan to make our next raffle thing more fun and integrative for the people so we have more people enter than this time.  I finally figured out what this years prom theme is gonna be after like 50 people asking me. Its gonna be The Great Gatsby themed. Uh next, I plan to sleep a lot its a 3 day weekend. And I plan to finish our mesa board and car for competition on the 26th. That will be fun.

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