Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Three Weekly Questions

What tasks have you completed recently?
Let's see, tasks.... Oh! I have one. So being the president of freshmen class it is my responsibility to organize things and make meetings and a bunch of other junk. Anyways, I had a great fundraiser idea and we decided to go through with it. We are selling raffle tickets for a valentines day date night. The tickets are $1 and you have a chance to win a $25 gift card to Buffalo Wild Wings and two movie passes. The best part is the gift card and movie passes were donated so everything we earn is profit.  So we made posters and planned out who will work the table at lunch and before school. We also made arrangements to get it advertised on the power-point on all of the TV's at Mayfield. So it was a pretty big step forward for freshmen class and this is the first year the freshmen class has actually done something. Cool beans right?

What have you learned recently?
Well, I think the biggest thing I learned this week was how to serve the ball for more power.  I learned how to serve the ball in a totally different way that puts the ball more under my control and it is much easier to hit harder. I think this has made me an overall better tennis player.

What are you planning on doing next?
I would love to ace the chapter 4 test in anatomy. That'd be fantastic. I've really been stressing out about the amount of homework I've had in all of my classes. So I plan to get it all turned in on time even if it means staying up really late doing nothing but homework. Gotta keep that 4.0 going strong.  I also plan to do my best for my audition for a solo in our jazz festival piece. I hope that goes well. Also I plan (and hope) to make it to the end of the week without drowning in school. Intense right?

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