Thursday, January 23, 2014

Three Weekly Questions

1. What tasks have you completed recently?

Well, I think the biggest task that I accomplished in anatomy this week was studying and taking the chapter one exam. I have to say, it wasn't easy. I made a lot, and I mean a lot (like 60) flashcards for this test. I gotta say the flashcards and re-watching the flip notes made me much more prepared for the test. That test was a truly daunting task, but I think I completed it to the best of my abilities and I feel confident. Which may be either good or bad. Ms. Gardner is probably despicably laughing right now because she knows, that I will never again, be confident about her tests. Oh well.

2. What have you learned recently?

I learned mostly about the regions of the body, directional anatomical terms, and homeostasis. Those three topics were our main points of study in class this week and the previous week. I think I learned a lot. I would've never in a zillion years thought that I could memorize 40 regions of the body that quickly. But I did, so, yay.

3.  What are you planning on doing next?

I plan to make my flashcards in sections rather than all at once. I think it would be easier if I make the flashcards right after I take flip notes or complete a project/assignment that had some info that would be on the test. I am also gonna do my weekly questions from now on. (the whole class forgot to do them last Friday) Also I plan to have an amazing Friday and ace my playing test in jazz band, ace my written test in symphonic band, get a good grade on my MLKJ essay for English, make it into symphony orchestra by doing well in my audition after school, then kick butt at tennis practice, then to finish it off have a fun time in pep band at the basketball game. Busy day tomorrow. Wish me luck!!!!!

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