Sunday, January 12, 2014

I am a Digital Native.

       The term Digital Native was founded by Marc Prensky in 2001. This term was used to describe those born into a new culture in the digital age.  These people such as myself grew up with technology becoming a part of a daily life. You can read more about digital natives by clicking the link. Another thing Marc Prensky argues, is that there are also Digital Immigrants. Digital Immigrants are people were born before the widespread digital technology. Although that doesn't mean that these people don't know how to use technology, rather they were introduced at a later age and had to learn to use it. Marc Prensky's original article can be found here

       After researching and taking a quiz or two, I have come to the conclusion that I am, in fact, a digital native. Shocker right? (that was sarcastic.) You might find from personal experience that most technology natives are under the age of 25. Being born in 1999, that puts me at 14 years old. So I know that I am in the range for being a digital native. The next thing I thought about is, "Can I remember a time when the internet wasn't in large scale use?" The answer to that was no. As far back as I can remember, the internet was already being largely used. We already had internet in our schools and were integrating digital technology into our education system.  For these reasons I believe that I am a digital native. I grew up with digital technology and it has been very easily accessible to me. I find technology easy to use because I was introduced to it so early on in my life. You might even be able to compare it to learning a language. It's easier to learn when you're younger. 

Here is an infographic I made to show the contrasts between 
Digital Natives and Immigrants. I used to create 
this infographic.

       Are you not sure which you might be. A digital native? Or a digital immigrant? Take the quiz!

       Whether you are a digital native or a digital immigrant I won't judge you. This has repeatedly happened throughout history.  Maybe someday a new technology will come out when I am much older and I will be an immigrant. Who knows. But for know the natives are one step ahead of the immigrants in digital technology but more and more is being learned each day by each of the two parties. Who knows you may not forever remain either a native or an immigrant to digital technology. Only time will tell. 

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