Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Just kidding I've been reading a book. I'm about 75% done with it. I'm reading The Demon in the Freezer by Richard Preston. I have to say, it is quite the terrifying book. It is a book that focuses on true stories about smallpox. The chapters are each different stories or accounts of smallpox outbreaks, or the scientific parts of smallpox, and even chemical warfare stories.  The title itself was quite intriguing to me.  Nothing is more chilling than a demon in the freezer (no pun intended).  And I know they always say, (read this next sentence in your whiniest voice) "don't judge a book by its cover." But seriously look at this cover isn't it awesome?

Anywho, this book is pretty good and it reminds you that things like smallpox can wipe out billions of people like no tomorrow. Literally. No tomorrow. Because smallpox killed everyone. Pretty scary stuff. This book also makes a few mentions of anthrax and how people mail anthrax powder to people to murder them. (I am kind of self-conscious about opening the mail now.) Very.... enlightening? No.... Eye-Opening is more like it.


  1. Mailing anthrax powder to kill them? Don't judge me, but what is anthrax powder?

    1. Anthrax is a bacteria that can cause lethal infections in humans. The part that is the most scary is that the anthrax can survive in dormant spores outside of the body. Then when the spores enter the body the normal bacteria begin to reproduce. They use these spores in large quantities to make a powder like substance which is chalk full of these spores. Then when the victim opens the mail if at least one of the spores is breathed into the body then the bacteria can reproduce like wild fire. But keep in mind these spores are microscopic and invisible to the human eye so if you open mail with anthrax powder you probably will find it hard not to breath in a single spore.
